Cataract surgery may sound intimidating, but it’s actually a quick and straightforward procedure. In this article, we’ll walk you through what to expect, step-by-step, to demystify the process.

Small Procedure with Local Anesthesia
One of the first things to know is that this is a small procedure that takes between 10 to 20 minutes. It is performed under local anesthesia, which means you won’t need to fast or follow “nil per mouth” instructions; you can start your day with a regular breakfast.
2mm Incision and Lens Removal
The ophthalmologist will make a tiny 2mm incision in your eye. Through this opening, the cataract-affected lens is targeted and removed using specialised laser and sonar technology.
Cleaning Up
Following the lens removal, any lingering or broken particles are suctioned out of the eye to prepare for the new lens insertion.
Inserting a New Lens
A new, foldable lens is carefully inserted through the same small 2mm incision. This lens unfolds within the eye and seats itself in the correct position, replacing the cloudy, cataract-affected lens.
No Stitches Required
One of the amazing aspects of this surgery is that no stitches are required. The tiny incision is designed to self-seal, making the recovery process quicker and more comfortable.
Quick Recovery
Because the incision is so small, many patients can usually see clearly as soon as the next day. This quick turnaround allows you to get back to your normal life faster.
Cataract surgery is a relatively quick and painless procedure that can restore your vision and improve your quality of life. With modern technology and skilled ophthalmologists, it’s easier than ever to treat cataracts effectively.